Making YouTube Videos Sucks

I’ve been tossing around the idea for starting a YouTube channel for awhile. I think part of the appeal is that it’s easy, at least on the surface. We know all these famous YouTubers who have millions of views and followers that make bank off YouTube. Many of these play video games and make money off that. Hell I can sit around and play video games and get paid for it!

Thankfully I’m not stupid. I know I couldn’t find success playing video games because I wouldn’t offer anything to anyone. My humor is probably shit, I don’t have a fancy PC setup, I don’t play a wide range of games, and the field is crowded already. I’d also be weary of turning video games into a job where they wouldn’t be relaxing or enjoyable anymore. Moreso creating anything for popularity or money is folly. Besides being a total sellout you also need some passion behind your projects to keep you going. 

I feel like I’m preaching to the choir here, because I’m a blogger. You’re probably a blogger yourself. No one gets into this to make money or be popular and if you do you’ll probably fall flat on your face when you realize people aren’t tossing money at you and the first four posts you awkwardly publish. It’s a constant fight to write, edit, and publish that quickly overshadows any serious thoughts about monitizimg. At least for me that’s how it is, maybe you guys are popular bloggers or something. Fuck the money. If it comes, fine, but that’s not why I’m writing any of this.

It’d probably help to make money if I could focus more and rant less by the way. Anyways.

I wrote a few silly posts about solar power. It’s a hobby of mine creating a small off-grid solar setup to power my phone, WiFi, and anything else I want to power. I detailed it here, but it started off with trying to make a solar phone charger. This idea quickly became complicated and got out of hand to where I now have two 100 Watt panels hooked up to five lead-acid batteries all powering a 750 Watt inverter. Solar power and green energy is much more hands on and doesn’t fit well into the blog format. Let’s be honest here, this blog isn’t meant to be a green energy blog anyways, so why get too involved? I doubt most of my regular readers give a shit about making their own solar setup but if you do, cool!

YouTube is perfect for this as videos are more hands on. I have actual information to tell people and by being a totally clueless dipshit amateur I can help other dipshit amateurs navigate their own renewable setups. I think I have something to offer which is why I’m going to do it. Plus since I’m constantly upgrading and tweaking things with my cobblejob of a setup I’ll never run out of content to make. It also gives me incentive to add new things to my setup because this means more videos to make.

Like blogging, doing anything new is a fucking pain in the ass. I know absolutley nothing about YouTube and it took a day to figure out how to make a channel. Think of making your first blogging domain or whatever; you’re clueless and have no idea what you’re doing. YouTube has a “personal channel” for everyone but I didn’t want my channel name to be my real name. How does my name have anything to do with renewable energy? By navigating through a bunch of menus you find a “brand account” or something which you can tack onto your personal account. I’m not going to give info on how to do that yourself as there are actual informative pages on the internet about that if you’re interesting. I’m just bitching here.

Video editing is something else I’m clueless on and there will be a steep learning curve trying to make even the most basic videos. I have a general idea of cutting raw clips and pasting them together but the mechanics of it I’m clueless on.

I downloaded Shotcut, a free video editing software, loaded a few clips into it and did what I always do best: fuck around trying to figure out how the thing works. I think I have cutting sections of videos out, and maybe even rotating clips as my phone decided they’re supposed to be recorded like Tik Toks or something, but beyond that I’m clueless. Think of your favorite YouTubers and some of their video editing skills. Animations over audio? Audio over video pulled from other videos? Backing music? I have no clue how to do these things yet. Like everything else you just start simple and add complexity as you go on I suppose.

By far the worst is the awkwardness of talking to yourself on camera. I’ve been doing great with being sober but had some drinks this weekend over the stress of recording videos for this project. I needed a six-pack just to reward myself for actually recording something. You feel like a total asshole taking a video and talking to your phone. Give it a shot if you don’t believe me.. Narrating to your phone feels like the most narcisstic thing in the world, “Look at me! I’m so cool! I’m talking to myself as I do a thing because people are going to watch me!” Its…it’s bad. I know it’s something you’ll probably get used to — just act natural and talk — but damn is it awkward. It also doesn’t help when your family is sitting in the other room sniggering as you record like a bunch of assholes.

That’s what’s going on now. Taking on a new project with all the inspiration you’ll ever have and looking up at a massive mountain trying to figure out how to take your first clueless baby steps. I know it’s hard starting out on anything new, but knowing and experiencing are different things. It’s fun though, and I hope everyone leaps into something new just to try it out. Give your random dreams and ideas a shot, see how it pans out over time. Paint, write, draw, podcast, blog, YouTube, whatever. You might be good at it but you don’t know until you try.





14 responses to “Making YouTube Videos Sucks”

  1. ceponatia Avatar

    I’ve been streaming for about 2 years and I max out at about 10 viewers lol. I play pretty niche games but still, not optimistic.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mirrorimage76 Avatar

      What would one search for it under? Ill check it out

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ceponatia Avatar

        I used to have a different name but changed it last month as a joke without realizing I’d have to wait 2 months before changing it back. Lol. I don’t have a regular schedule or anything so your chances of actually catching me while I’m streaming aren’t great but feel free to say hi. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    2. TheBlackhairedGuy Avatar

      Hey ten is better than zero that’s for sure. What kinda games do you usually play?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ceponatia Avatar

        Survival / sandbox type games but of the more puzzle-like variety. Oxygen Not Included, Factorio, things like that. I play all games personally but that’s generally what I stream. If you’re streaming something like Fallout 3 or Grand Theft Auto, you have to be funny. My streams are more like “here’s how you do ____”

        Liked by 2 people

      2. TheBlackhairedGuy Avatar

        I’ve actually began playing GTA V last week and that seems like an easy-mode to be funny on. Half the time I get tossed through a windshield when I look away from the screen for a few seconds.

        The only game I’ve heard of is Factorio who a friend at work is apparently addicted too. I might try it someday, but the addiction he has is serving as a warning to me. I think I get what type of games you’re referring too though.

        Liked by 2 people

      3. ceponatia Avatar

        I think you have to be prone to game addiction to get addicted to Factorio lol. I only played it a couple times a week back when I did and not for very long. For me it’s more frustrating than addictive, haha.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. mirrorimage76 Avatar

    I enjoyed your youtube video.It had a fresh new aspect of learning.Its about something this world needs to get on board with.It has someone learning along with me as I watch the video.I enjoyed the humor you showed in the video,from the lady bug to the cat trying to escaped to the few oops moments.I like not having a super professional working on something.It makes me feel more comfortable for some reason.You are difintly talented.Watching for the next video to see how thst wind “tower” does

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mirrorimage76 Avatar

      Really wish id thought to do the girlfriend videos of my boyfriend playing games that was a great idea.Oh well

      Liked by 1 person

      1. TheBlackhairedGuy Avatar

        Girlfriend Reviews is a great channel!


  3. PaperKutzs Avatar

    funny that I saw this today. I posted this early this morning.

    I’ll have to check out your video I’d lobe to have solar. Good luck

    Liked by 1 person

    1. TheBlackhairedGuy Avatar

      I’ll totally check out your post. I’d love to read about someone else and their YouTube troubles!

      And my channel is There’s only one video so far so there isn’t a whole lot about setting up a solar setup in general, but I hope to keep adding videos until it’s all covered.


  4. PaperKutzs Avatar

    Sorry if I’m missing it, but what should i search for?


    1. mirrorimage76 Avatar

      (Novice green energy)
      I took a picture of it but I can not seem to be able to post it here.

      Liked by 3 people

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